Hello Research

A simple Hello can lead to a million things

It all starts with ‘Hello’. Have you ever noticed how every conversation starts with Hello, whether it’s in person, on the phone or via email… Hello, or some form of Hello is generally the first word spoken and we’d love to say ‘Hello’ to you.

9th November, Not 9:11

An English - US oddity, and not the emergency contact number in the United States, however after today’s historic US election result I wonder how many voters might be tempted to call 911

Results, forecasts and exit polls, and no amount of research could have predicted the outcome... other than a 50-50 guess?

However the real celebration today, 9th November and back in the UK might not be the news about Trump, it could be the birthday celebrations for my business partner, my sister and my friend… Happy Birthday Julie. 

Having recently enjoyed looking back through old photographs I couldn’t resist the one below. Perhaps even then, and it was a lot of years ago, we knew at some point in our adult working life, we would be shoulder to shoulder, saying Hello… and asking ‘why’- obviously a favourite word of ours.

So while the American voters are tempted to call 911, we welcome your calls to say Hello. A simple Hello can lead million things

“Leicester City… Hello Champions”

The Leicester City story is already being hailed as the biggest sporting achievement ever! Research and stats confirm this.

How did they do it...?     Surely a multitude of rationale and factors have complemented to their success. Team spirit, individuals having the games, the seasons of their lives, a very grounded manager instilling confidence in his players, fantastic support, and a little bit of luck. The ‘big four’ all having the opposite alignment in their seasons, where other ‘events’ may have contributed to this window of opportunity for the Foxes. But even with this opportunity, you still have to take it to make it happen… right – of course!

From tinker man, to gentleman, to genius… in Claudio Ranieri, Leicester have a manager that many fans didn’t want initially, now the same fans will forever hold his name in their hearts, and never want him to leave. In a sporting world with so many other attributes, money, cheating, rivalry, domination, it’s simply refreshing to welcome this fairytale achievement.

What was it down to...?     Some will say that science has played some part in this feat. Player performance is now monitored and supported with extensive stats, proving science definitely plays its part. Research too. Statistics are widely used in the modern sporting world. Again research related.

Congratulations to Leicester City, the players, the manager, the fans and all the background work and people that have contributed to this sensational conquest in sport!

Hello Leicester… Hello Champions!